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Information for Professionals

Working in partnership with professionals we aim to improve identification of and support for unpaid Carers in West Sussex. See how you can help more below.

Quick Links for Professionals

See quick links below to take you to some of the most important actions for professionals. From referring a Carer to joining the directory for our Carer Discount card

Carer Contact Emergency Card Referral

Carer Emergency Carer Card (CECC) Partner Organisations can use this online form when completing a referral for a CECC in collaboration and with the permission of the carer.

Easy Access Resources

See some quick download links below to resources that will be useful for you.

Download The 2022-2023 Impact Report

Download Our Information Leaflet

Download Our Easy Read Leaflet

Download Carer Equipment Leaflet

Carer Awareness Training

Would you like your teams to have a better understanding about what an unpaid carer is and how to recognise them? Our teams can deliver carer awareness training for your team, to increase knowledge about unpaid carers. The training can be delivered either at your place of work or online. Get in touch to find out more.

Always Here

No matter what the caring circumstance, CSWS offers guidance and practical and emotional support. All work is in support of the vision, which is to bring the day forward when family and friend carers are seen, heard, and included.


If you would like to receive regular news about Carers Support and partner organisations, please complete the form below.

Illustration showing group of people of all ages and situations


    Carers Trust lol with blue underline