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National Inclusion Week 2023

National Inclusion Week, founded by Inclusive Employers, this year runs from 25th September to the 1st October and aims to celebrate inclusion and encourages people to take action to create inclusive workplaces.

Inclusive Employers says this year’s theme is ‘Take Action Make Impact’ a call to action “which aims to get organisations and individuals thinking about what actions they can take and what positive impact these actions could and should have for marginalised colleagues”.

Carers Support West Sussex prides itself on being inclusive and has taken steps to ensure this is known. We are registered under the Disability Confident scheme as Disability Confident (level 2), this identifies us as being committed to inclusion and diversity in the workplace.

In February 2022, we also became the first carer organisation in the UK to earn the Pride in Care (PiC) quality standard, managed and awarded by Opening Doors, in recognition of our commitment to continuously improve the quality of our care and support for LGBTQ+ people over 50 years old. To further our understanding of LGBTQ communities, Allsorts Youth have now delivered four LGBTQ Awareness Training sessions to Carers Support West Sussex staff, including Wellbeing Support Workers, Managers and Trustees. Staff training forms part of our commitment to understand issues and discrimination faced by Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer/Questioning people helping us to assess how inclusive and accessible our services are to LGBTQ Carers.

As an organisation, we also take steps to ensure we are supporting all nationalities and regions. We recognise that carers or their family members who have moved to the UK from another country may struggle to access help and may be concerned that support will be culturally sensitive. Our staff can offer you help if you need translated written information or to speak to someone in your own language. They will take your cultural and religious beliefs into account when offering support and will always keep your information confidential.

To find out more on how we can support you as an unpaid carer call us on 0300 038 8888 or email